Thursday 20 November 2014

Location Research

Prior to shooting my film, I did some research into where I wanted to shoot my film. I chose to shoot the film in and around Spooner Row; a secluded village in the Norfolk countryside where I currently live myself. This is the place where the main character comes back to from uni to visit her parents. I really feel that this location was perfect to shoot my film because its pretty much in the middle of nowhere, miles from anything; therefore I thought this would be a suitable location because it adds to how alone and isolated the lead character is, as she is already on her own with an 'unexpected guest'. This location looks chilling, dark and secluded, making it an ideal location to open my short film. Below are some pictures of the village, and certain places where I intend to shoot the film. When I took these photos the weather made the place look a little more dark and eerie.

The house where I will shoot the film.
The main part of the film will be shot entirely in my own house. This house is like every other and I think a house is always a good place for a horror film to be set because when horror strikes in the comfort of your own home, the fear factor of the film is dramatically heightened. If you think of your favourite horror film, theres bound to be a scene in that film where supernatural happenings occur in a character's home. This increases the horror of a film because if you are watching something scary happening in someone else's house, your mind begins to think thoughts such as: 'what if that happened to me, in my home?!'. So this is why I have chosen to use my house as the main film location because it always makes a horror film more realistic and therefore more scary. Below are some images of my house in which I will be shooting my film:

This is the kitchen, the first room in the house where we see Lucy.

The remainder of the film will be shot in the bedroom, which is pictured below. Notice the gap under the bed, this play the vital part in the film (look at my film idea to know why, its a long story). 

The final scene will take place in the bathroom, where the horror will reach its peak and the main character finds out what was really under the bed.

The bathroom, which will be covered in blood. Scary stuff.

Overall, the location that I have chosen is the ideal and most suitable place to shoot my film, I have came to this conclusion for a number of reasons. Firstly, the home setting of the film means that it fits in with the horror genre. Secondly, the secluded setting of Spooner Row means that the film is set in a very quiet and eerie village. Thirdly and finally, the bed that I will use for the film is perfect because you can see someone hiding under that and scaring people. Anyway, thanks for reading, have a good day!

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