Sunday 16 November 2014

Genre - Documentary (Part 2)

In this post I shall look at the pros and cons of a short film in the documentary genre. Lets start with the pros shall we? The pros are that:

- You can inform the viewer with a refined amount of information within your documentary. 
- Normal length documentaries can drag on and leave the viewer feeling out of touch and disengaged. This is a common problem. 
- You don't have to worry about engaging the audience for such a long period of time.
- Your documentary can be short, concise and to the point. 

There are some obvious downfalls of a documentary short film:

- It may be hard to fit enough information into a short documentary film to fully inform the viewing audience of all the facts they need to know to have an understanding of the topic the documentary is covering. 
- It is hard to create a short documentary, as you need to fit a lot of different views and ideas into it. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jonny, some very good analytical work here which I am sure will be reflected in the choices you make around your own short film. You definitely need more on the planning process, storyboarding, location research, casting etc.. I know you had some problems with your first shoot - it would be great to see you reflecting on that here and for you to say how you are planning to shoot it differently next time. Try to treat this blog as a working diary of all the work you do on the film.
