Monday 27 October 2014

Humans Can Lick Too

It was at one late night gathering round a friend's house when I first heard the story of 'The Licked Hand'. When I heard the name at first I was confused as to what it could possibly be about, was it some kind of joke? Far from it. When I heard this urban legend, I was left with a shiver running down my spine. The story is below:

"A young girl is home alone for the first time with only her dog for company. Listening to the radio, she hears of a serial killer on the loose, so she locks all the doors and windows and goes to bed, taking her dog to her room with her and letting it sleep under her bed. She wakes in the night and can hear a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. The dripping sound annoys her, and she actually finds it unsettling, for some reason. The bedside lamp won't work, and she is too scared to get out of bed to turn on the main light, and walk over to the bathroom. She hides under the covers but to reassure herself that the dog is still under the bed she puts her hand down and feels licking on her hand. She lies awake for some time listening to the dripping sound and periodically puts her hand down to where she can hear heavy breathing and each time feels gentle licks on her fingers. Eventually she falls asleep. The next morning when she wakes, she goes to the bathroom for a drink of water. On the shower wall, written in blood are the words "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO", and her slaughtered dog is hanging from the shower head, its blood, now thick and dark, still dripping into the bathtub."

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