Wednesday 1 October 2014

Short Film Task

In our media lesson we drew a small folded up piece of paper from a hat and the following happened: We had to create a two minute short film using the scene described to us on the piece of paper. On the piece of paper we were told to create a short film using a the simple scene of someone putting some takeaway rubbish in the bin. We were given 7 days to create this film and so we got going straightaway. In the end, my group and I decided on the film idea about the rise and fall of the 'Humanimals', half human, half animal monsters created by the mad scientist, Professor Dingaling in the 1960's. We presented this idea to the class and as soon as we received positive feedback, we started making the film. We filmed this short in Norwich and it features Harrison Calaby as a chicken, George Huggins as a horse, Hannah Myhill as the KFC employee and myself as the KFC consumer (this was a good role) and the duck at the train station. Footage was filmed by Joseph Nowell, Harrison Calaby and myself. The film was finally edited by Harrison Calaby.

The short film 'Humanimals' is below, enjoy! Don't forget to like the video on youtube.

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