Monday 27 October 2014

Short film idea

For my short film, I am taking some of the basic ideas from 'The Licked Hand' urban legend and transforming it into my own take on the story. My plot is below:

A student called Emma returns to her family home in Thamesmead from her first term at university, only to discover that her parents have gone to visit some friends and will be back the next evening. The student is cross with her parent's absence and she spends most of the evening sitting round the house, having nothing to cure her boredom, apart from spending time with the family dog. She is sitting in the kitchen where she is listening to the radio. While listening to the radio she hears the news that a man convicted of the murder of 5 students in 2007 and sentenced to life imprisonment has escaped from Belmarsh prison and it has been advised that all residents in Thamesmead (South London area) stay indoors for the next 48 hours while the police track down the convicted murderer. Emma hears the news and sees the intensity of the situation through twitter on her phone. Emma suffers from anxiety and this sends her into a severe state of worry, and as a result, hides herself in her bedroom, allowing the dog to stay under her bed. She forgets to lock the front door in her state of panic. Emma begins to drift off to sleep, but every now and then she is distracted by a noise coming from downstairs, a sound that makes her think someone is downstairs. She struggles to remember whether she locked the doors or not. She is terrified and she cannot bear to get out of bed, turn on the light and go downstairs to see what the noise is. She reassures herself that everything is okay by slipping her hand under the bed, where her hand is licked by what she thinks is the dog. Emma eventually falls asleep.
       In the dead of night (2am), Emma awakes and she notices her door is slightly a jar. Light from downstairs floods through the gap and Emma gets up and cautiosly approaches the door, extremely slowly and with a terrible sense of dread. As she gets closer to the door, she calls for the dog, who to Emma's horror, comes in through the slightly opened door. Emma freezes and begins to sob, slowly moving back towards the bed where she sits with her legs dangling over the edge. The dog stares at her and begins to let out a quiet wimper, but Emma ignores this. The camera (which is side on to Emma) begins to pan downwards to her feet, where from under the bed, a pair of hands grab her legs and the screen goes to black, followed by a harrowing scream. 

Just to be clear, the murderer is always under the bed, hiding from the police. However, the dog is also under the bed, but the dog is not licking her hand, as something is still licking her hand after the dog leaves the room, Emma does not know this. Scary stuff. 

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