Monday 12 January 2015

Film Treatment - Romance Genre

If I was to produce a romance film, I would go with the following storyline:

A teenage boy and a teenage girl meet at the local independent record store, and as they are browsing through heaps of old records, they both end up coming to the same box of records. They are both working their way to the middle of the box, and they take no notice of each other until they both come across the record at the middle of the box, the record that they're both looking for. They both grab it, touching hands, and they slowly look up at eachother. Love at first sight. The girl, embarrassed, quickly wisks away her hand and apologises, but the boy remains calm and gives up the record. They begin talking about their favourite bands together, and they quickly bond. The boy gets the girls number and he invites her out for coffee. Over the next few dates, they bond even more, getting to know each other really well. This will all be in a time lapse, showing them going to gigs, walking around their local town, sitting at home listening to records, out having coffee and so on. One thing they find out about each other is that they are both in bands themselves, and they are from rival bands that are both from the same town. They discover that in a few weeks there is a local band competition and both the bands have entered. The boy's band is full of rude, arrogant and selfish guys, whereas the girl's band is made up of more genuinely nice characters. The boy begins to bond with the girl's band and he begins to have thoughts about leaving his current band, to be with the girl as well as playing in the band with her. The boy's band is ruthless with other bands, and when they find out that the boy is dating the girl, they are very harsh and they threaten to kick him out after the local band showdown.
        Its the night of the showdown, and the boys band are the penultimate band on stage, however, when they get on stage, the boy is not there and they become increasingly angry, until they are kicked off stage and out of the venue for being offensive towards the staff members and crowd at the venue. At the end, the girl's band come on stage, and near the end of the song, the boy comes on with his guitar and plays the best guitar solo ever. This wins the competition for the band, the boy asks the girl to be his girlfriend and he remains in the band. They grow old together and at the end of the film, they are seen playing at the same local band contest 50 years on, playing the same song in the same band. 

I am terrible at writing love stories. 

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