Monday 26 January 2015

Audience Research

Here is my finished audience research video. In this video I asked 5 horror film fans some questions about horror films and I shared my idea with these people, getting some helpful feedback about it. The first question I asked was: what would you expect to see in a horror film?  This question highlighted the key features of horror films, which I could include in my film to make it fit in with the genre and make it more appealing to other horror movie fans. The second question I asked was: what do you think of my idea? Before watching the video below, please be sure to read about my idea in some of past blog posts. Before filming, I shared my idea with the 5 people and then I filmed their responses. Each person I shared my idea with gave some very good comments as well as constructive criticism. The third and final question I asked was: would you watch the finished product? Everyone said that they would happily watch my film and this gives me confidence that they will enjoy my finished film. 

Here it is:

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