Monday 15 September 2014

Short film #5 - What are the pros and cons in creating a short film in comparison to a feature film?

Short films are usually great but there are some drawbacks, so lets get those out the way:

  • A short film is less likely to be shown at a cinema, unlike a feature film. 
  • Usually it will be much harder to fit a detailed story into such a short space of time, unlike a feature film when you have time to include a detailed story with lots of plot twists and drama. A short film will usually be left on a cliff hanger which is bad for some viewers that may like a story that is told fully.
  • The market for short films is a lot smaller than the market for feature films. 
Although there are a few drawbacks, here are the good points about short film:

  • On the whole, a short film will take a shorter amount of time to produce.
  • A short film will be significantly cheaper to make than a full-blown feature length film. 
  • Usually it is easier to find actors for a short film because they do not have to be as talented as an actor that you would expect to see in a feature length film. Too add to this, viewers usually expect a big name actor to appear in a feature film.
  • A short film often ends on a cliff hanger and this can be good for viewers as they will be left with a surprise and no doubt lots of questions that they can discuss with their fellow viewers. 

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