Monday 21 July 2014

Music Video Task

Our media group has been given the challenge to create a music video in a week. I have decided to work with Harrison and Joe, fellow media students, and we have came to the conclusion that we will make a music video for my band called We'll Be Detectives. We have recorded one of our own songs called 'Convention', a song about breaking free from the rules and conventions of day to day life. 

Influences - Firstly, we started looking at some music videos that may influence our own video. We looked at a lot of music videos but we nailed it down to two that we have decided are the influences of our own music video. The first influential music video that we looked at was the video for #STUPiDFACEDD by Wallpaper. We chose this music video as one of our influences because of the classic party scenes that you see in this video. In our music video we wanted to have this kind of party going on while we played as a band (with the music over the top of the video).

Looking at other videos, we came across a music video for a song called 'Keep Your Wits Sharp (Her Words Are Quick)' by a Leeds based band called Mother Vulpine. This video was influential to us because of the use of slow motion and the role of the actual band featuring in the video and being centre of attention, as in some music videos, there is just a short film with music over the top. Watch the best music video ever made below:

The plan - In the end, we have decided to take our influences and come up with our own idea for our music video. Our idea is that there would be a house party (influenced by the Wallpaper music video) and at that house party, the band would be playing the song while people party and dance to the tune. In the video we will have lots of shots from different angles in the room and there will be other parts of the music video including a scene in which people go against convention, smashing the drum kit and guitars to end the video.

The music video will be shown to fellow students in our media class tomorrow afternoon and I am looking forward to showing people the finished product! I shall post the music video on this blog as soon as its available and I will also post a link to the new song 'Convention' by We'll Be Detectives. 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Genre - Romance

How do we define the Romance genre? Well, Romance films are romantic love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in theatres and on television that focus on passionemotion, and the affectionate romantic involvement of the main characters and the journey that their genuinely strong, true and pure romantic love takes them through dating, courtship or marriage. Romance films make the romantic love story or the search for strong and pure love and romance the main plot focus. We went over the conventions of the genre and this is what we discussed:

  • Aimed at the female audience.
  • Main characters have an introduction.
  • A voiceover is used to introduce the love theme.
  • 'Boy meets girl'.
  • Normally contains a lot of strong emotions. (eg: sadness and happiness.)
  • A typical romance film would include sexuality, status, gender and relationships.
  • Often directors incorporate other genres into their films. Comedy is a common genre that is mixed with romance films.
  • They are what happens in day to day life.
  • A lot of symbols of love such as hearts, candles and wedding bells.
  • Usually characters part after an argument or disagreement and then re-unite afterwards with a stronger bond.
We also discussed the pros and cons of a short film in the Romance genre and this is what we spoke about:

  • The film will have a simple and understandable plot and the film will get straight to the point, without much of a build up.
  • There is usually a heavy use of different /impressive camera angles to make such a short film as impressive as possible. 
  • There are less story lines and background analysis.
  • In such a short time, the audience cannot connect with the characters in the film.
  • The audience may/will be left on a cliff hanger, which can be a negative experience for some viewers.
Up next is a textual analysis of a romance film. I will analyse a short film called Vicky and Sam!